Ngezi Platinum coach joins Warriors set up

The Zimbabwe Football Association Nomalisation Committee has confirmed the appointment of one of the Warriors assistant coaches.

The ZIFA NC announced last week the appointment of Michael Nees as the new head coach of the national team.  The German gaffer signed a two-year-contract which expires in 2026. However, the association didn’t confirm the entire technical team.

According to ZIFA technical director Jethro Hunidzarira, as cited by New Zimbabwe website, Ngezi Platinum Stars coach Takesure Chiragwi will be one of the assistants who will form part of the new technical team.

Chiragwi has been in the Warriors technical set up fold since last year and has worked with three interim coaches that ZIFA has trusted the team with during the period.

Hunidzarira said: “The technical committee at ZIFA has what we call a succession plan, that is Under 17, 20 and 23. So, from that plan the Under 23 coach automatically is a second assistant coach in our senior national team set up. In this case, our Under 23 coach is Takesure Chiragwi, so he will be our second assistant coach.”

Hunidzarira, however, noted that Nees will pick for himself his first assistant coach from a pool of local coaches.

“About his assistants, we spoke to him, and he said he would like to work with local coaches, he believes he has to empower local coaches. So, when he comes, he is going to pick his own first assistant from local coaches,” added the ZIFA technical director. (

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