A Chinese man has been sentenced to six months in prison after discovering his wife in bed with another man and accepting money as compensation for her infidelity.
Lu, a 33-year-old father from Shandong, eastern China, decided to follow his wife about in March 2021 after seeing that she was taking an abnormally lengthy time getting ready to accompany their daughter to her private instructor.
According to reports, Lu began to suspect his wife of cheating when she entered a nearby hotel, and his suspicions were validated when he barged into her room and saw her wearing scant underwear next to a nude male.
After kicking his wife and beating the other man identified as Liu, in a fit of wrath, Lu finally agreed to Liu’s offer of 25,000 yuan (US$3,300) in three internet payments as compensation for having an affair with his wife. However, Lu was taken aback
when he saw that Liu had filed a complaint against him accusing him of extortion.
Lu remains convinced that his ex-wife was the mastermind behind Liu’s complaint, seeking an advantage in their contentious custody battle over their young daughter. In November 2021, a District Court sentenced Lu to six months in prison for blackmailing his wife’s lover and coercing him into paying financial compensation. (Afrogazette)