Tsenulo Moyo
In a shocking and bizarre incident, a 68-year-old woman and her two juvenile grandsons from Nguboyenja suburb in Bulawayo stumbled upon human remains whilst trying to put out a veld fire which was close to their house.
The incident was confirmed by Deputy Police Spokesperson for Bulawayo province Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele in a press statement.
“We are investigating a sudden death case of an unknown female adult approximately 24 years or above and she had a natural dreadlock.”
Police said the incident took place on 3 November 2024 at around 1700 hours. The fire is said to have been coming from the Eastern side of Mashumba Bar near Mazayi River in Mzilikazi.
While the trio was busy putting out the fire with sand, it stumbled upon the skeletal remains of a human being.
“A police report was then made. The remains were thoroughly inspected, and it was observed that the head had natural dreadlocks at the occiput, the ribs were burnt, some maggots were seen at the scene moving around and a laced white/cream lady’s panties was on the ankles.
“Bulawayo Forensic Science examined the skeleton and concluded that it was of a female adult aged approximately 24 years and above. There were no struggle marks ascertained since the area was entirely burnt, “said Assistant Inspector Msebele.
The remains were ferried to Mpilo Hospital for post-mortem.
“Police are appealing to members of the public who are missing any female adult person fitting the above descriptions to contact Zimbabwe Republic Police Barbourfields Post on (0292) 2214095 or any nearest police station,” read the statement.