Embrace your one-minute man

Nhlalwenhle Ncube IT is every woman’s dream to have a satisfactory sex life. But if your…

Drug abuse: Effects on respiratory system 2

Mthandazo Ndlovu  We are staying at home, keeping sober and being safe as we continue with…

Coronavirus and alcohol

Mthandazo Ndlovu A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your…

Starving at home and keeping sober

Mthandazo Ndlovu We are staying at home, keeping sober and being safe as we continue with…

How does drug addiction and abuse affect society as a whole?

Mthandazo Ndlovu COMMUNITIES with high levels of drug abuse usually also have increased levels of crime…

How does drug addiction and abuse affect society as a whole?

Mthandazo Ndlovu COMMUNITIES with high levels of drug abuse usually also have increased levels of crime…

Linking diabetes and alcohol abuse

Mthandazo Ndlovu . . ONE of the complications of uncontrolled diabetes is nerve damage, and excessive…

Diabetes alcohol consumption

The month of November is recognised as the diabetes awareness month and in Zimbabwe we have…

November — Diabetes awareness month

, which is also called juvenile or insulin dependent diabetes, develops due to the loss of…

Excessive drinking major cause of liver cancer

Mthandazo Ndlovu ALCOHOL consumption is the primary cause of liver cancer and many other cancers. You…