B-Metro Reporter
The April and May national examination results of the Higher Education Examinations Council (HEXCO) are ready and can now be collected from HEXCO centres, the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development has announced.
In a statement, Higher and Tertiary Education Permanent Secretary Professor Fanuel Tagwira said a 62,7 percent pass rate had been recorded, down a bit from the 68 percent of the end of year examinations last year.
He thanked all stakeholders involved in the national examination system and in the teaching and learning processes.
“We wish to thank the lecturers, students, parents or guardians, examinations staff, and all stakeholders involved in the national examination system as well as the teaching and learning process. Their contribution has resulted in a 62,7 percent pass rate for this examination session.
All HEXCO Centres are advised to collect the results from their regions as from Wednesday,” Prof Tagwira said.